Roman Used the Potty!!

"What, no video?" This was the response I got from Erin tonight. Unfortunately(?), there is no photographic or video evidence of this momentous occasion, but we are so, so, so excited. Our little man is just getting bigger and bigger, and this is quite a milestone for all of us. He has been wanting to sit on the toilet every night before taking a shower (but hasn't ever done anything but sit there), and tonight I just put him in the shower without thinking, and he started yelling, "PEE! PEE!" So I grabbed him and put him on the toilet, and voila! We now have a potty-user! I am sure that we still have a lot of work to do with all this potty training business, but tonight was a big step in the right direction. Good job, handsome-pants!

And since we don't have a picture from tonight, please do enjoy a few more pictures of Roman from our little photo shoot.