Our Chunky Monkey!

So Liv had her 9-month appointment on Friday, and it is official; Livia is a total chunk! Her stats were 21 lbs 13 oz. and 28.3 inches. This places her in the 90th(!!) percentile for weight and 67th for height. I asked her pediatrician if this was a problem, and she told us not to worry too much, but asked how many ounces of formula I was feeding her; I told her 30 ounces a day, and she said, "well... let's bring that down to 24. And then down to 16." Oooops!! Sorry, monster! I promise mommy will stop overfeeding you immediately. She is a happy, healthy little girl and hitting all of her milestones on time, so I am not actually worried about it. I know that once she starts running around she'll lose her chunky little thighs just like Roman did, and I will be so sad. Her first birthday is only 76 days away. That's nuts.