Livia’s Twelve Month Check Up

We had Livia’s big one-year appointment on Monday, and everything is just wonderful. Her doctor is super impressed with her verbal and social skills and said that she is very smart and observant, and Livia scored way above the cut off for autism screening. Just what I wanted to hear. The nurse and I had a bit of a laugh at the end of our appointment because as the nurse was going through her whole rigmarole of what to expect after this round of vaccines, she told me that Liv may seem a bit tired, to which I replied that that would be quite welcome in our house because she has been super rambunctious lately. The nurse then laughed and told me that Dr. Coullahan had said that she needed a nap after our visit. Yep. That sounds about right. Livia was talking up a storm the entire time and trying to crawl around and grab things. She kept asking to touch the birds painted on the wall and was looking around the room pointing at various objects. She kept trying to take the stethoscope away from the doctor to play with it… that goes for the pointy light thingy (technical term) that doctors use to look in your ears as well. I think we all needed a nap after that one.

Livia weighed in at 23 lbs 2 oz (88th percentile) and measured 30.1 inches in length (82nd percentile). So, thankfully, her weight and height are lining up again, which I figured would happen, it was just nice to hear that her measurements were all proportionate again. And here’s the only picture I could get of Livia sitting still and before she decided to tear up all that paper on the table. Ah. The allure of crinkly, white, exam table paper.