Livia is Six Months!

Livia 6mo 3

We went out yesterday to take Livie's six month pictures, and I was just amazed at how big she looked. Six months, for me, is a magic time because that's when babies just start figuring things out; they're figuring out how to sleep; they're figuring out how to sit up by themselves; they're figuring out how to eat; and they're figuring out how to roll around to get what they want. And Liv is doing all of that already. Even Roman seems to think that Livia is becoming "fun." He likes to play little games to make her laugh, and he knows that he has her undivided attention and loves it. She wants to play all the time too, which is a bit problematic because we're still dealing with her constant spitting-up, so she has to sit in her bouncy chair for a good 20-30 minutes after she eats, but she is getting really tired of that. Her favorite place to be is in her exer-saucer so that she can play and also keep her eyes on everything going on in the room.

Livia 6mo 12Livia 6mo 45Livia 6mo 41

We have been so busy the last couple of months that I haven't blogged about a really important milestone she crossed a month ago: Livia cut her first tooth! Her first teeth, actually, because tooth number two popped through about a week after number one. If you look really closely at the picture above, you can just barely see her lower left tooth poking up over her lip. It looks like I have another early teether, which is fine with me because she was already having troubles falling asleep, so I would rather have her teeth in when she finally figures this whole sleeping thing out. She is getting better with her sleep, and I think we may be close to her sleeping through the night, but I'm not going to hold my breath. The hard part is getting her to go to sleep. Once she's out, she's out, but getting her there can take hours. For about a week I was putting her to sleep in our bed while lying with her just to get her body used to falling asleep at the same time every night without a fight, and things went wonderfully the next week when we went back to putting her in her own crib. And then she got sick. Aaaargh! It was so frustrating. But now it seems like she might be back on track... you know, until her top teeth decide to show up.

Livia 6mo 95Livia 6mo 50Livia 6mo 64Livia 6mo 87Livia 6mo 79Livia 6mo 113

It's also funny looking at the pictures that we took today because Livia has become such a little chunk over the last couple of months. Looking at her pictures when she was three or four months old, she still looked so petite and dainty, but when Marc and I went through the new pictures we were giggling about her triple chins. I know that she's just putting weight on before a big growth spurt (Rome did the same thing), but it is a little shocking how big she has become in such a little time.

Livia 6mo 105Livia 6mo 103

Our six month old (!!) Livia: is eating solid foods (banana, sweet potato, avocado [as long as it's mixed with something else], pear, and this week she's trying mango); loves to play in her exer-saucer; loves chewing on her Sophie (and everything else for that matter); is starting to sit for longer periods without support; has her first two bottom teeth; loves to watch her brother play; will demand attention if she's not getting it; likes to make raspberry noises when she's really happy; is trying to scoot on her belly, but she isn't quite there yet; likes to pull my hair and try to eat my face when I am holding her, especially if she's hungry; gives big-ol' open-mouth kisses; has found her feet and will not stop putting them in her mouth; has the cutest dimples I have ever seen.

And I just had to add these pictures of Roman from our little photo shoot today. Isn't he just so handsome?

Livia 6mo 31Livia 6mo 22